
Cosmo Gazoo

I’m a hobo, artist, writer, humorist, technologist, entrepreneur, Dudeist Priest, outlaw and weirdo. I create from high atop a castle deep in a dark remote forest of California far off the grid with my muse Zena Gazoo and a gaggle of of crazy felines.

I create and sell art, apparel and other weirdness at Wimsical.com. I write at Mindzerk.com where I’m an unapologetic truth-seeker exploring the fringes of knowledge, challenging conventional wisdom, and diving into topics most fear to touch. My work spans everything from privacy to survivalism, and the underground economy. My company Popular Ventures has developed and/or managed over 50 online businesses since 1996.

In the early 2000s, some friends and I started a graphic t-shirt company Crack Smoking Shirts featuring edgy counterculture subjects. The controversial shirts went viral and were both an underground hit and made their way into retail chain stores. This changed the course of my life.

After that, I learned to think without limitations and to do whatever I wanted without apologies. And, here we are.

Cosmo Gazoo